Kompare first launched on 28th June 2017. In a short space of time, they have caused a disruption in the online insurance aggregator industry.
Kompare’s inception came about by not being able to get an instant motor trade or taxi insurance quote online like all other insurance products, with instant prices displayed on screen without having to speak to numerous insurance brokers repeating your details over and over.
is when Kompare first launched its original website
products are currently available for comparison
of available brokers to choose from
In 2017, we turned this issue on its head and created a new, exciting instant online quoting comparison site which caters for every occupation within the Motor Trade and Taxi Industry.
Now in 2020, we have grown to now having 30 products on our website which the public can find insurance prices for, including; Courier, Van and Landlord insurance.
Kompare works alongside a panel of leading UK insurers to be able to bring you the most competitive prices available to you on the market.
By completing Kompare’s simple online application form, you will receive your instant quotes from all the major insurers displayed on your screen almost immediately.
You no longer have to go to each individual broker, they’re all in one place and that’s here on Kompare
Andy Dean
Kompare’s Founder and Director
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